The COIN platform helps you manage payments, donations, donors and other online transactions through one customizable interface.
Cloud System
Don’t hassle with buying your own servers and equipment, use our cloud!
Custom Reports
Simplify your social life by communicating via voice.

Security Assured
Our system is encrypted by some of the most advanced security measures around.
Admin Dashboard
Keep up to date with your donors and transactions with our interactive dashboard.

Make and Receive
Payments and Donations
for Specific Campaigns
Administrators can create specific campaigns for users to be able to donate or make payments to. Users need only to select their desired campaign and enter in their account information to be able to process payments.
Build & Export Customized Reports
The advanced report builder lets administrators export information to an excel spreadsheet, or view in their browser to see specifics about how COIN is working for them. Don’t be out of the loop with your online transactions.

Emails & Notifications
and Custumize Your
COIN gives administrators the ability to generate customized email receipts for both the user and other roles within their COIN account. Set up specifics details about your organization for your needs.

Try COIN for yourself! It’s FREE.
Get started taking donations and payments online with our quick and easy registration process.